At True Care Family Dental Place, we provide a wide range of dental healthcare services – from routine checkups and cleanings, early cavity preventions to fitting braces and treating oral diseases. We are here to help you keep your smile healthy in an economical way.

Myobrace is a no-braces orthodontic approach to help straighten your teeth and jaws. Treatment addresses the poor oral habits that are the real cause of crooked teeth.
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
It is a common belief that crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and other orthodontic problems are caused by either large teeth in small jaws, or other hereditary factors. Modern research has shown that mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking – known as incorrect myofunctional habits – are the real causes of incorrect jaw development. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture can also contribute towards the jaws developing incorrectly. Bottle feeding, thumb sucking, and dummies during the early stages of a child’s life can also contribute to the problem.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Myobrace treatment involves using a series of appliances which have the proven dual function of correcting habits that cause poor dental development, while also providing light forces to align the teeth into their natural position. This technique is now used by practitioners in more than 100 countries worldwide. Treatment does not involve wearing braces or using complex and uncomfortable dental appliances 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Wearing a Myobrace appliance for one to two hours each day and overnight while sleeping, combined with a series of ‘myofunctional exercises’ (also known as the Trainer Activities) each day is all it takes for a real change to occur.
Benefits for Using Myobrace
Unlike traditional orthodontics, the aim of Myobrace treatment is not just to have straight front teeth, but also to remove the bad influences on the patients dental and facial development. In children, as a result of improving poor muscular habits patients can experience better facial development and achieve their full genetic potential. Other health benefits of Myobrace treatment methods include improved posture, fewer allergies, and fewer problems with the teeth, mouth and jaw joints (TMJ).
For more information on Myobrace, contact our office today.
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Palmdale Office
37935 47th Street East #A-22, Palmdale, CA 93552
(661) 533-3800 • (661) 839-3772
Lancaster Office
44207 20th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 942-8333 • (661) 789-7151
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